
antenna_xds coords appear in ms_xds coords

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According to the schema, after the latest xradio commit for PR #222 there are coordinates in ms_xds which should be only in antenna_xds. These coordinates do not appear in the previous commit for PR #221.

  • antenna_id (not in schema)
  • mount
  • name
  • station
>>> in_file = ''
>>> out_file = ''
>>> convert_msv2_to_processing_set(in_file=in_file, out_file=out_file, parallel=False, overwrite=True, ephemeris_interpolate=True, partition_scheme=['FIELD_ID'])
>>> ps = read_processing_set(out_file)
>>> ps.get(0).coords
    antenna_id              (baseline_id) int32 180B dask.array<chunksize=(45,), meta=np.ndarray>
    baseline_antenna1_name  (baseline_id) <U9 2kB dask.array<chunksize=(45,), meta=np.ndarray>
    baseline_antenna2_name  (baseline_id) <U9 2kB dask.array<chunksize=(45,), meta=np.ndarray>
  * baseline_id             (baseline_id) int64 360B 0 1 2 3 4 ... 41 42 43 44
  * frequency               (frequency) float64 64B 3.439e+11 ... 3.44e+11
    mount                   (baseline_id) <U6 1kB dask.array<chunksize=(45,), meta=np.ndarray>
    name                    (baseline_id) <U9 2kB dask.array<chunksize=(45,), meta=np.ndarray>
  * polarization            (polarization) <U2 16B 'XX' 'YY'
    station                 (baseline_id) <U4 720B dask.array<chunksize=(45,), meta=np.ndarray>
  * time                    (time) float64 160B 1.307e+09 ... 1.307e+09
  * uvw_label               (uvw_label) <U1 12B 'u' 'v' 'w'
>>> ps.get(0).antenna_xds.coords
  * cartesian_pos_label  (cartesian_pos_label) <U1 12B 'x' 'y' 'z'
    mount                (name) <U6 240B dask.array<chunksize=(10,), meta=np.ndarray>
  * name                 (name) <U9 360B 'DV02_A015' 'DV06_T704' ... 'PM03_J504'
  * receptor_name        (receptor_name) <U21 168B '0' '1'
  * sky_dir_label        (sky_dir_label) <U3 24B 'ra' 'dec'
    station              (name) <U4 160B dask.array<chunksize=(10,), meta=np.ndarray>

This issue popped up while working on #235. In that branch I'm removing antenna_id, including this antenna_id leftover in main_xds, and together with it I can remove the other intruders (mount, name, station).