import not working correctly with cocoapods
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henry63 commented
Tried to make a project with cocoapod
Seems thzat CTVideoViewCommonHeader.h is not in thep od
Here is the .h header
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "CTVideoView.h"
!! <CTVideoPlayerView/CTVideoViewCommonHeader.h> is not in the pod !
In the objectivec
@Property (nonatomic) CTVideoView *videoView ;
self.videoView = [[CTVideoView alloc] init];
self.videoView.frame = self.view.frame ; // CGRectMake(0,0,100,100);
[self.view addSubview:self.videoView];
self.videoView.videoUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:kURLTest1 ]; // mp4 playable → property videoUrl not fonud on object of type ' CTvideoView *'
[self.videoView play]; → no visible @interface for 'CtvideoPBView' declares the selector 'play'
casatwy commented
😂seems thats impossible...