
bsonx.Doc need to chang to use bson.D

Candy-Hixcare opened this issue · 3 comments

in adaper.go

	keysDoc := bsonx.Doc{}

	for _, k := range indexes {
		keysDoc = keysDoc.Append(k, bsonx.Int32(1))

	if _, err = collection.Indexes().CreateOne(
			Keys:    keysDoc,
			Options: options.Index().SetUnique(true),
	); err != nil {
		return err

bsonx.Doc not exist any more

mongo document update to use bson.D

@Candy-Hixcare hi, can you make a PR to fix it?

@hsluoyz ok, but I will change another account. I use'd wrong account :P
and than, I never use casbin may use more time :O