
Where is "Addons settings"

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To setup "Tab Center Reborn — Vertical Tabs", readme says:

How to set it up
Download the Tab Center Reborn Addon
Copy the contents of integrations/tabcenter-reborn/tabcenter-reborn.css into the Addons settings

Where are addons settings?


Got it. Consider explicitly stating that in the readme; eg.

Copy the contents of integrations/tabcenter-reborn/tabcenter-reborn.css to addon's settings

  1. Go to Firefox settings > Extensions > Tab Center Reborn
  2. There are 3 tabs: Details, Preferences and Permissions. Inside permissions there is a field near the bottom for Custom Stylesheet.
  3. Paste the contents there, assure the checkbox above the field is checked on, and click save CSS.
  4. Must restart Firefox

into the custom style text field inside setting for Tab Center Reborn (via