
[for-Reftool2 -> LBLE for Reftool2] : Unique people identifiers color override

cascadeth opened this issue · 2 comments

The colors that are attached to the element classes :

lrp vip extension disabled

currently have a random appendage to the class name generated each time the page is loaded, which prevents tagging just the .lrp specifically for example. The selector: div[class^='myclass'], div[class*=' myclass'] also doesn't work in this case... Talking with the main dev, this may be because the source has !important tagged to the styles, and can't be overwritten by a Stylish applied !important.

took care of VIPs and LRPs in commit fb2b80b3abb089fb8f23cbc6ecf800edfcb0a913

still can't hit the extension customer listings though...

meh not to worried about it for now. closing.