Expand StartCadence script
Jetsama opened this issue · 1 comments
Expand or create start cadence script/program as an independent process. It should take in a ID and a timeout time.
The ID should be the skillbridge ID that will be used (default value).
The timeout should specify how long to stay open without more interaction from morpheus.
stack overflow
Morpheus should create an ID based on username+filelocation combiniation. If this exists as a skillbridge StartCadence script (or user virtuoso session) then use that ID. Otherwise create a new startcadence instance with a timeout. Every time we communicate we reset the timeout of this of this processes.
We may have multiple start cadence processes active at a time such as shown in this example:
Morpheus (id1) -> StartCadence (id1) <-
Morpheus (id1) -----^ |
Morpheus (id2) -> StartCadence (id2) |
Morpheus (id1) ________________________|
Completed as a python module called cadenceManager. This should become a background task after main morpheus closes. (Also remove print statements for clarity, it logs to file in active directory)
Has a timeout of 5 minutes and can be extended by calling the "setstatus" skill function.
This feature needs to be added in the UNIX options section.