
Support password hashing in LDAP

GhostLee opened this issue · 6 comments

sometime we don't save plaintext password in LDAP Server, so support password hashing is very useful, input a plaintext password, convert it into hashed password and compare with LDAP password field output the check result.

and the attribute should be configurated

@GhostLee We will add support for multiple password types as soon as possible. For configurable attributes, we plan to do this during the implementation of LDAP in the syncers.

@GhostLee I found that there is no relationship between the password type of Casdoor and the LDAP server. I sent the password entered by the user to the LDAP server using a bind request and the authentication all passed regardless of the LDAP password type. On the contrary, if I encrypt the password in Casdoor, it will not pass.

My environment is Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0.

@GhostLee Casdoor always sends plain password to your LDAP server via LDAP protocol. So it's your LDAP server to decide whether to hash the password. It's not a Casdoor issue.