
Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC



These are the environment variables, file and directory requirements. Go to setup and follow those steps to setup your system.

1. ENV['HOME'] directory
    a) this should already be set type: env to see your environment variables

2. ENV['EDITOR'] or add to .slackrc.json as "editor". EX: "/usr/bin/vim"
    a) edit your shell's rc file - Ex: .bashrc
        export EDITOR="subl -w"
        ----- or ----
        export EDITOR="vim"

3. $HOME/.reporting directory
    a) need to create

4. $HOME/.slackrc.json file - has to be valid JSON
    a) need to create

5. Sublime Editor
    a) Must use the -w (--wait) option with the editor (see above #1)
    b) If you don't want to change your EDITOR env value you can add it
       to your .slackrc.json file as "editor": "subl -w"

6. TMUX Sessions
    a) If you use tmux and sublime (or atom) you need to reattach the editor
       process to the user. Do this:

        brew install reattach-to-user-namespace


Go here, scroll to the bottom and create OAuth token: https://api.slack.com/web

$ cd
$ mkdir .reporting
$ vim .slackrc.json
      "slack_token": "xxxx-DDDDDDDDDD-DDDDDDDDDDD-DDDDDDDDDDD-yyyyyyyyyy",
      "reporting": {
        "channel": "#general",
        "room_id": "",
        "members": {}
$ cd /path/to/slack-reporting
$ npm install
$ node index.js -s "#channel" > ~/new-slackrc.json
$ vim ~/new-slackrc.json  \[Note: change report to false for non-active members\]


$ node index.js
$ node index.js --help
$ node index.js -h
> Shows this message

$ node index --room #sams-ui-status
> Displays JSON object of room (from channel.list)

$ node index --users U024L5T1F,U024LTMR9
> Displays JSON object of user objects (from users.list)

$ node index --slackrc #sams-ui-status
> Displays JSON to replace current .slackrc.json

$ node index --history #sams-ui-status --date 2016-02-01
> Displays JSON object of the channel's history (from channels.history)

$ node index --daily #sams-ui-status --date 2016-02-01
$ node index -d 2016-02-01
$ node index -d
> Displays daily report summary

$ node index --weekly #sams-ui-status --user @casey
$ node index -wu @casey
> Displays weekly report summary for user
> Note: user's report property needs to be true in slackrc