
django REST (ish) API for Bangazon-LLC

Primary LanguagePython


Project Summary

Bangazon, LLC provides a RESTful API, utilizing the Django REST Framework, to provide information about the following areas of the Bangazon organization. Using our API, a client can find information about customers, products, orders, and payment types. Additionally, information about the departments, employees, training programs, and registered computers will be available.

Steps To Install

Please refer to the following steps to use the Bangazon API: Note: If you do not have Python installed, click this link and follow instructions to download Python 3.6.

  • Follow this link to download the Django REST Framework, if you do not have it already.

  • Copy and paste the following command into your terminal in your preferred directory:

git clone https://github.com/illegal-llamas/Bangazon-LLC.git
cd bangazon-LLC/bangazon-app
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver

Link to Issue Board


  • Nick Nash
  • Casey Dailey
  • Kayla Brewer
  • Jordan Nelson
  • Harper Frankstone