
our first angular todo a code along to teach angularJS CRUD to cohort 21

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Our First Angular-ToDo

This project is presented as an epic code-along toward the end of the front-end course at NSS. It's purpose is to introduce, crash-course style a basic mvc-style angularJS CRUD app which uses Firebase to persist user created data.

As a user, you can:

  • login with Google or register with email
  • see your tasks (pulled down from firebase)
  • add a new task for yourself
  • edit a task and save the changes
  • mark a task as done
  • and, of course, delete a task

To run

If you'd like to pull this down and play with it, please do. Below are some instructions on how to do that.

Fork and Clone

  • fork this repository. if you're still not clear on how to do this, it's cool; there are instuctions here.
  • clone your fork and cd into the directory git creates for you

Install Dependencies

Once there, run the following commands:

cd lib
npm install

This will install the necessary dependencies to run the project from your localhost. If you don't have a localhost, go here to get one.


Next, you'll need to set up your oown firebase project to point your app toward. You can do that here.

Upload the JSON

If you want to seed your database with some sample items, you can look in import data/items.json using their handy-dandy console. If you you're not familiar with this process, there's a good explanation here.


Once you've set up your project, you need to be able to refer to your url and api key in the app. To accomplish this, you'll need to create a file called 'fb-creds.js' in a directory called 'values' in the 'app' directory. From the project root directory, just run these commands:

cd app
mkdir values && cd $_
touch fb-creds.js

Cool. Now you can open this file in your editor and register a constant on 'app' like this:

"use strict";

app.constant("FBCreds", {

    apiKey: _yourapiKey_
    authDomain: _yourauthDomain_
    databaseURL: _yourdatabaseURL_

"Where do I get these values?" You might say? In your firebase console, you can click 'Overview' in the sidebar. This takes you to a screen with a few colorful buttons. One is red and says "Add Firebase to you web app". click on this and BOOM your details will appear (along with some others you don't need right now) just copy and paste the the above values from firebase to your fb-creds BINGO.


The last and final step in configuring your firebase for this app is to set your rules From your firebase console, click on Database > Rules and edit those rules to look like this:

  "rules": {
    ".read": true,
    ".write": true,
      "items": {
        ".indexOn": ["uid"]

This tells firebase we're cool with whoever's logged in reading and writing to the items collection and that we want to be able to search them by user id, This enables us to get items created by a particular user.


Now, open a tab in your teminal, jump to this project's root directory, and run grunt Then in another tab, jump to this project's directory, Fire up your server and head on over to localhost:8080 or whatever port your local server is on.

I've left lots of comments and am happy to answer any questions that arise. Good Luck!