
Node Object is not a node-red Node Stack

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I was told by support to create a new issue here.

This error constantly floods my debug window.

I am using a Kasa HS300 power strip.

Mac OS Monterey 12.3.1


11/16/2022, 11:12:19 PM
msg : string[882]
"↵↵Unexpected Node Error↵↵Info:↵

Node object is not a node-red Node↵Stack:↵

ResponseError: err_code not zero response: {"err_code":-1,"err_msg":"module not support"} command: {"emeter":{"get_realtime":{}}}↵
at Object.processResponse (/Users/stevefriebele/.node-red/node_modules/tplink-smarthome-api/lib/utils.js:170:15)↵
at Plug.sendCommand (/Users/stevefriebele/.node-red/node_modules/tplink-smarthome-api/lib/device/index.js:271:33)↵
at async Emeter.getRealtime (/Users/stevefriebele/.node-red/node_modules/tplink-smarthome-api/lib/shared/emeter.js:72:50)↵↵

Please report this issue, including the information logged above:↵

I can pretty much guarantee this is where the bug lies:


The catch should not call node.error directly since it binds this to your node & causes this exception.

Instead do catch( err => { node.error(err) } )

That applies to all calls.

Good morning @caseyjhol, what are the chances you could address this issue? We have had 3 issues raised against node-red for this issue now.

I believe the info I posted above on Nov 17th will fix this.

Thanks, Steve.

Fixed and released in v1.0.1.

Hi thanks for addressing this.

Could you publish to npm & update the flows library so that node-red users can update?