
`toCurrencyString` multiplies result by 10 when target decimal separator is comma

nizioleque opened this issue · 5 comments

Example code:

  thousandSeparator: ThousandSeparator.Period,

returns "10,00" instead of expected "1,00".

The same happens with the following code:

  thousandSeparator: ThousandSeparator.Period,

which to me also seems like a bug, but maybe this is the expected behavior? Could you please mention the expected input for this function in the documentation?

I have found a temporary workaround, but I would appreciate a fix :)

Here is my workaround, if anyone needs it:

// example input
ThousandSeparator targetThousandSeparator = ThousandSeparator.Period;
double value = 1.0;

// workaround
String valueString = value.toString();
if ([ThousandSeparator.Period, ThousandSeparator.SpaceAndCommaMantissa].contains(targetThousandSeparator)) {
  valueString = valueString.replaceFirst('.', ',');

return toCurrencyString(
  thousandSeparator: targetThousandSeparator,

@nizioleque what if you use Period as thousand separator without your workaround mention above? is it multiplied by 10 also?

@fahami Yes, you can see this in the examples I provided.

14.35.toCurrencyString(thousandSeparator: ThousandSeparator.SpaceAndCommaMantissa)
gives 1 435,00
so it just removes the dot when processing "14.35" string but not multilpies anything

thank you @nizioleque for the walkaround! having the same issue here..

waiting for the fix!

any fixes ? this issue became like a horror