Testing a Dialog does not work
dalewking opened this issue · 4 comments
I would like to do a test of a simple composable that is a Dialog
Steps to Reproduce
Create a composable that is a dialog. For example:
fun ProgressOverlay(text: String) {
onDismissRequest = { },
dismissOnBackPress = false,
dismissOnClickOutside = false,
) {
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
modifier = Modifier
.background(Color.White, shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp))
) {
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
) {
fontSize = 18.sp,
modifier = Modifier
Write a paprazzi test to display it:
class ProgressOverlaySnapshot {
val paparazzi = Paparazzi(
deviceConfig = PIXEL_5,
theme = "android:Theme.Material.Light.NoActionBar"
fun exampleMessage() {
paparazzi.snapshot {
ProgressOverlay("This is a test")
Expected behavior
I expect the dialog to be renderedgets rendered in the snapshot, but it is not shown
I note that Preview in android studio does render the dialog without issue
I recall this being an issue in Android Studio but perhaps it's now fixed. Can you confirm which Android Studio you're on? Currently Paparazzi is on Chipmunk so I'm guessing this was fixed in Dolphin or Electric Eel.
I'm still on Chipmunk:
Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 Patch 2
Build #AI-212.5712.43.2112.8815526, built on July 10, 2022
This is now fixed as of f34ab8b, presumably by 6df4752 or 0268445.
Repro: https://github.com/cashapp/paparazzi/compare/jrod/2022-12-15/issue_619?expand=1
Getting back to trying to get Paparazzi added to our project and this seems to still be an issue. In this case I am on Flamingo and I can confirm Dialogs also do not show in the Compose preview either.