
QuickJsException: out-of-bound numeric index

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Studying sample world-clock.

I encountered an error when launching the android client: out-of-bound numeric index

I experimentally found out several facts:

  • Sample works on a MacBook based on Apple M1
  • Sample does not work on a MacBook based on Apple M3. Checked on several devices. The OS version, java version, cmake version are identical to the MacBook on M1.
  • I suspect that kotlin-kotlin-stdlib.zipline is being generated incorrectly. If you take this file from M1 as a donor and transfer it to M3 (+ change the sha256 in the manifest), the sample starts working on M3. The trick will only work if you remove --continuous of course:
./gradlew -p samples world-clock:presenters:serveDevelopmentZipline --info

Changing the version of Kotlin did not make a difference. Have you encountered a similar problem?

masOS: Sonoma 14.4.1
Java: azul zulu 17 (17.0.9), azul zulu 11 (11.0.22). I tried others too.
cmake: 3.29.1
quickjs: 2021-03-27 (default)
Sample: world-clock, without modifications

Fixed after 1.10.0