MySepolia Sample NFT Marketplace DApp



Compile contract

  1. Set up .env in project root (see .env.example)

  2. Install project

npm i
  1. Deploy with
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
  1. IMPORTANT Paste your contract's ABI from artifacts/contracts/<CONTRACT_NAME>.json to mysepolia-react/src/abi.json

Run DApp

  1. Set up .env in mysepolia-react folder (see .env.example)

  2. Install project

cd mysepolia-react
npm i
  1. IMPORTANT Fill out mysepolia-react/src/data.json:
  • Upload images to IPFS (you can use Pinata), copy their URLs
  • Create metadata files for each image and upload them to IPFS too, copy their URLs
  • Paste the links into data.json
  1. Run with
npm run start