
default Admin view lists wrong # of active collectors

libbyh opened this issue · 15 comments

Most of these projects has at least one active collector, and it shows as active on the project's individual page.

screen shot 2017-01-30 at 12 28 06 pm

Hi,The backend part to fix the issue has been completed with the database on the server,now i need to make changes in the code to make this functionality dynamic

on the backend their is a Db named config which consist of list of active collectors,but by default all of them were set to 0 ,so for now,,before the entire functionality is complete I changed active to 1 for all active collectors...

Yes currently I am working on it...but please take the git update to and restart the server,so that the other fixed issues can be pushed to production...

Done. Waiting to close the issue until the underlying problem is solved.

the issue has been fixed works fine on local,,need to test on the production,,please take git update and restart server

command to update in db db.config.update({"":"wnipd"},{$set:{"":1}},{upsert:true})

this is only an example to update the db manually...directly through mongo..without using the code...if required in future..this is the syntax of the command.The code changes have been made to update the active collector value only when the collector has been started

These values are wrong again. Not sure what happened here.
screen shot 2017-04-08 at 7 57 44 am

Collectors for potus45, queer-fans, and mil2 are all running.

screen shot 2017-04-08 at 7 58 41 am

needs discussion.

Let's just delete the column - users can find out what's active by clicking on the collector to view its details.

the UI has been changed..but it is not very pleasing,I suggest you have a look at it once,before closing the issue

It looks ok. I can worry about the third column later.