
As API, I provide the possibility to fetch the plays data

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The following endpoint should be added:

GET /plays

The endpoint should accept the following filters:

  • player_account_hash
  • round_id


GET /plays?player_account_hash=dead...beef

Which implies those properties should be indexed in the plays table.

The endpoint should return a paginated list of Play entities with the following properties:

  • deploy_hash
  • round_id
  • play_id
  • player_account_hash
  • player_public_key
  • prize_amount
  • is_jackpot
  • timestamp

The jackpot data should be calculated over the plays table using a query like the following one which should be provided as findPlays(filters, offset, limit) function in the Play repository.

The player_public_key should be deanonimized from the player_account_hash in the API handler using Account API