
Adding Assertion Readers

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Found an issue related to adding an assertion reader

  1. create a new assertion
  2. fill in agent (in this example i used qa tester extreme -me-)
  3. fill in subject (used Kevin QA1)
  4. choose a competency (used Addition)
  5. Add an assertion reader (in this case I used Kevin QA1)
  6. Save and go to assertion workspace
  7. Open and attempt to edit the assertion
  8. The below images are the results (the assertion saved incorrectly, agent, subject, and assertion readers are off)
    after adding assertion reader
    cannot manage permissions

Got this console error when attempting step 5. Is there something I'm missing in how this is supposed to work?
cannot add the reader

Also clicking save multiple times adds more duplicates of the assertion reader.