
Multiple return values ordering

ocornut opened this issue · 2 comments


I believe return values should be inverted, cases like:
status, floatValue = imgui.SliderFloat("SliderFloat", floatValue, 0.0, 1.0);
Would be much more efficient as:
floatValue, status = imgui.SliderFloat("SliderFloat", floatValue, 0.0, 1.0);
Since status (= was the field modified) is rarely used.
So in the vast majority of use people would just do:
floatValue = imgui.SliderFloat("SliderFloat", floatValue, 0.0, 1.0);

It would be faster and easier for users. Perhaps add an option in the generator for retro-compatibility and make both available?

(Extra: Curious if the default bindings will be regenerated for latest?)


bindings regenerated for 1.60.
Next up is changing my game to work with 1.60, then I'll try switching up the order

Amazing work, Patrick, thanks a lot!

I was talking to @slages recently who worked on a way of switching order there:
But his commit is combined with a couple of other things so it's not easy to cherry-pick as is.