
v2.0.0 - ship list

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Major Changes

  • Responsive naming conventions are now more mobile-first oriented. This means there is mostly no xs designations in the grid or utility class names, except where there are *-up/down utilities.
    • There is also a global option, $enable-bp-smallest, in the Sass to override this.
  • .pull-*-left/right are now .float-*-left/right.
  • Spacing utilities have more sizing options and are now responsive.
    • naming has also changes so now they the form .p{side}-{breakpoint}-{size} for padding, and .m{side}-{breakpoint}-{size} for margins
    • for example .pl-sm-1 means padding-left: $spacer-x; for small and above breakpoints
  • Vertical alignment utilities have been reworked.
  • New .radius-* utility classes to control border radius. This kills .img-rounded and .img-circle classes as well.
  • Renamed .tag/.tag-* to .badge/.badge-*
  • Display utilities: .display-* is now .d-*
  • Visibility utilities have been renamed with the following changes:
    • .hidden-* is now .hide-*
    • .hidden-print is now .print-hide
    • .visible-print-* is now .print-show-*
  • Sizing/positioning utilities have been renames with the following changes:
    • .width-100 is now .w-100
    • .height-100 is now .h-100
    • .position-* is now .pos-*
  • Responsive navbars have been slightly reworked for better handling of brand and dropdowns in the toggleable area.
  • Refactored the component sizing a bit so the larger variants are in scale with the smaller ones. This means the large side is a bit smaller then before.


  • #98 - Utilities-Display: rework responsive naming
  • #100, #102 - Utilities-Flexbox: rework responsive naming
  • #101 - Utilities-Float: rename .pull-*-left/right to .float-*-left/right and rework responsive naming
  • #103 - Utilities-Typography: rework responsive naming
  • #104 - Utilities-Spacing: rework responsive naming
  • #105 - Utilities-Vertical Alignment: rework responsive naming
  • #107 - Utility-Visibility: add .visible util
  • #108, e470ce5 - Component-Grid lines: rework responsive naming
  • #109 - Improve generation of gutter and grid media queries
    • Mostly targets gutter items to reduce output when not needed
    • Fix some bad CSS rule generation for grid columns
  • #110 - Layout-Grid: rework responsive naming
  • #111 - Utility-Border radius: new utility classes to replace .img-rounded and .img-circle
  • #112 - Utility-Badges: rename .tag to .badge
  • #113, #123 - Component-Pagination: slight tweaks to background, border, underline, line-height
  • #114 - Content-Typography: removed <small> and .small sub-rules for headers
  • #116 - Utilities: renaming for shorter rule names
  • #117, #138, #141 - Content-Forms-labels: tweak .form-control-label-{size} properties, also make .form-check-inline consistent
  • #118 - Component-Modal: rename some Sass settings to match their use
  • #119 - Restore previously disabled print rules. Override color/background, and re-enable showing link URLs in print versions.
  • #126 - Widget-Modal: tweak modal sizes for better responsive layout and a small CSS optimization
  • #127 - Layout-Grid: Add ability to remove gutter from rows
  • #128 - Utility-Borders: add border removal utility
  • #130 - Component-Progress: Simplify CSS by enforcing border-radius using overflow: hidden;
  • #131 - Utility-Sizing: Add max width and height
  • #133 - Component-Navbar: rework responsive variants
  • #135 - Component-Card: update inverse color override for text, along with header/footer background-color
  • #136 - Widget-Alert: enlarge close button
  • #137 - Widget-Tooltip/Popover: enlarge close buttons
  • #142 - Component-Card: add variable to specify card cap (header/footer) text color
  • #144 - Component-Badges: add options and minor optimize
  • #145, #146 - Content-Button: optimize output a bit
  • #147 - Print: update scope for ::first-letter
  • #152 - Content-Forms-Custom control: Adjust margin for better responsive design
  • #157, 158 - Content-Forms-Custom Select: Fix padding for background image
  • #158 - Content-Forms-Custom File: correct height and padding to match standard input and button
  • #159 - Widget-Popover: Remove unused > .arrow rule
  • #160 - Component sizes: Refactor the larger sizes to be in scale


  • #131 - Scrollspy: Prevent scrollspy from clearing active item when Safari rubberbands
  • #139 - Tooltip: hide when parent .modal is hidden, also affects popovers


  • #119, #149 - Fix incorrect, broken, or redirected links
  • #121 - Utilities: Additional documentation and examples
  • #122 - Layout-Overview: Fix incorrect breakpoint mentions
  • #125 - Component-Navbar: Add disabled item examples
  • #143 - Add search for hosted version of Docs
  • #148 - Simplify sidebar nav generation
  • #150 - Component-Input Group: Update sizing example
  • #154 - Add link to changelog on home page
  • #155 - Component-Card: Remove floats from header nav examples
  • #156 - Add reference for Yarn package manager


  • #117 - Add option to toggle component size CSS generation
  • #134 - Add option to generate smallest breakpoint CSS rules (false by default)