
Using a source topic to create the body request and receive the response

matthew-grant opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I am looking to:

  1. Use my "source" topic to feed a json payload into the body of the HTTP request.

  2. Receive and store the response in an output topic. (input = request, output = response)

I believe the confluent http connector does this, but it is a paid plugin unfortunately.

I dont see a way on the document on how to use a topic.value as a body, any suggestions here??

Thank you,

Matt G.

Hi Matthew, thanks for reporting this.

This project only provides a SourceConnector at the moment, what you are after would be a SinkConnector.

Such feature is in our roadmap, but I don't think we can make any promises regarding when or even if that will ever happen. (We'd love to be able to provide this feature, we just have to find the time for it).

I think there are already some building blocks in this projects to help implementing such a SinkConnector, so it'd be much appreciated if you considered contributing it.

Best regards.