
PropertyPage. Properties is Undefined.

moda20 opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for the great work on this. I can't say i am an expert in angular to get it all at once but ill mange ( extra class diagrams would be much more helpful ).

I tried to use the dynamic forms to make a simple login component but i failed with the error : is undefined and i didn't figure out what it is. it is not featured in the angular docs for dynamic fomrs.

a little help would on this be appreciated, thank you.

Thanks for the encouragement. In terms of the class diagrams, that is a timely comment. This project does include documentation which I am looking to integrate more into the dashboard for those who would like quick access to it.

As far as the being undefined, let me review that and get back to you.

I added a very simple todo gadget. Please review the content of the following commit:

Unfortunately I inadvertently committed documentation changes along with the sample gadget. This means you will have to scroll down toward the bottom of the commit to see the relevant src folder change set. You will see all of the places that need to be updated to create a gadget. There you will see the model that includes the object you need to include.

Here are the files you would need to update/add:
src/app/add-gadget/gadget-factory.ts - factory of all gadgets
src/app/board/board.module.ts - gadgets are imported to the board
src/app/board/grid/grid.module.ts - grid needs access to the gadget's service
src/app/gadgets/gadget.module.ts - gadget module for all gadgets
src/app/gadgets/todo/service.ts - gadget service
src/app/gadgets/todo/todo-gadget.component.ts - gadget component
src/app/gadgets/todo/view.html - gadget view
src/assets/api/gadget-library-model.json - Here is where your problem might be. You need to add a configuration/property object to the model array. This dictates the property page content and drives the gadget factory creation logic.
src/assets/api/todo-model.json - small json used for the service api to mimic getting data from an api
src/assets/images/todo.png - icon for the add modal

The last commit

is a bit more condense. It will identify all of the pertinent files that need to update/created.