
Get all candidate splits for catboosttregressor

ZexuanSun opened this issue · 2 comments

Problem: Hi, could you please tell me how to get access to all the candidate splits for the catboostregressor? I need them to do some calculations. I checked the source code, but I think I could not find them. In the Quantization section of your documentation, you said that we can set different methods to calculate the splits. I could not find which parameter to set, either. Thanks.
catboost version:
Operating System:

Hi @ZexuanSun!

The vector of splits for symmeric trees on cpu is created here

TVector<TCandidatesContext> candidatesContexts

Regarding the second question:

calculation of quantization borders is controlled by feature_border_type parameter

you may specify it for each feature independently with per_float_feature_quantization

Should you have more questions, please reopen this issue, or create a new one ❤️