
Connectivity options are behind what WPT server supports.

louggl opened this issue · 1 comments

WPT server allows...

    'DSL (1.5 Mbps/384 Kbps, 50 ms RTT)',
    'FIOS (20/5 Mbps, 4 ms RTT)',
    'Dial (49/30 Kbps, 120 ms RTT)',
    'Edge (240/200 Kbps, 840 ms RTT)',
    '2G (280/256 Kbps, 800 ms RTT)',
    '3GSlow (400 Kbps, 400 ms RTT)',
    '3G (1.6 Mbps/768 Kbps, 300 ms RTT)',
    '3GFast (1.6 Mbps/768 Kbps, 150 ms RTT)',
    '4G (9 Mbps, 170 ms RTT)',
    'LTE (12 Mbps, 70 ms RTT)',
    'Native (No traffic shaping)',

But this API only allows...

When I submitted to WPT Server for 3GSlow it reverted to Cable.
When I submitted for 3G it did run as 3G.


Just fixed and published on npm, take a look and re-open this issue if not working.