
All locations are failing in nodejs

jdmevo123 opened this issue · 4 comments

Node js wrapper is failing all tests when a location is specified:


wpt.runTest('', {location: 'Chicago:Chrome'}, (err, data) => {
  console.log(err || data);

Fails with 'Invalid Location, please try submitting your test request again.'

The only location I can get to work is the default Dulles:Chrome.

Thanks @pmeenan , Sorry i should of pulled the latest locations. So pulling with the latest location as an example Texas2:Chrome comes as valid and OK, but running with the wrapper fails with invalid Location.

wpt.runTest('', {location: 'Texas2:Chrome'}, (err, data) => { console.log(err || data); });

I thought it may be the connectivity option not being parsed, but this fails as well.

Since there hasn't been any more activity on this, I'm going to go ahead and close the issue. @jdmevo123 let us know if Pat's last response didn't solve it for you.