
notifyEmail option of runTest method is not working

yugal-compro opened this issue · 0 comments

Use Case:
I would like to use notifyEmail option of runTest method which email webpagetest results


wpt.runTest(wptScript, { 
    location: "London_EC2:Firefox",
    runs: 1,
    video: true,
    label: "Test 2",
    notifyEmail: "",
    fullResolutionScreenshot: true,
    jpegQuality: 100,
    firstViewOnly: true
  },(err, data) => {
    console.log(err || data);

I am passing my script as first parameter

Expected Action:
Email Test Results to email address given to notifyEmail option after invoking runTest method

Issue Faced:
Email is not recieved after invoking runTest method