
How to get test summary in PR comments?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Looks like the most important piece of the test is just console logged. can runTest() function somehow get this in the callback function so that we can render this as PR comments?

✓ median.firstView.firstContentfulPaint: 1604 should be less than 2000
1) median.firstView.chromeUserTiming.CumulativeLayoutShift: 0.2353070769 should be less than 0.2010417514
2) median.firstView.chromeUserTiming.LargestContentfulPaint: 2869 should be less than 1602
3) median.firstView.lighthouse.SEO: 0.92 should be less than 0.83
4) median.firstView.lighthouse.Performance.interactive: 15680.1429997559 should be less than 4901.67
5) median.firstView.responses_404: 0 should be less than 0
6) median.firstView.breakdown.js.requests: 97 should be less than 6
7) median.firstView.breakdown.js.bytes: 1282240 should be less than 200000
8) median.firstView.breakdown.css.requests: 12 should be less than 1
9) median.firstView.breakdown.css.bytes: 68716 should be less than 50000
10) median.firstView.breakdown.image.requests: 57 should be less than 10
11) median.firstView.breakdown.image.bytes: 2754263 should be less than 300000

In order to achieve your perf goals, you can set up perf budgets. Using this you can compare your latest scores with the budget you've specified