
Hello, there are two confusions about your featall.mat data species that I would like to consult you

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Hello, I would like to ask you about the GCCPHAT coefficient of 306 as 516, according to your formula, and the data provided in featall.mat, I have two confusions. 1. I found that in the data of 651, three of the 6 data are the same, and the other 2 data are the same, my understanding is that there are four pairs of microphones, there are 6 combinations, but if the coefficients of GCCPHAT are calculated, the coefficients obtained from different angles may not be the same. 2. The value obtained by GCCPHAT coefficient solution is very large, and there is a lot of data greater than 20, I got the dataset myself to calculate, and the coefficient value obtained is small, I would like to ask you how to calculate it