Comments with %%sql is not working
vramku5 opened this issue · 1 comments
vramku5 commented
I am using the 0.4.0 version of ipython-sql in Jupyterlab
When using %%sql syntax, I am unable to add a comment in a cell. The same works fine with a single line sql.
e.g. this works
%%sql $user@db select *
from some table where idx = 140778;
and if I add a comment like this, then I get an error saying "invalid syntax"
# test comment
%%sql $user@db select *
from some table where idx = 140778;
Am I using the right syntax for comments? the above syntax works fine with %sql (single line)
catherinedevlin commented
I think this is a fundamental limitation of IPython cell magics (the double-% ones). For example:
# do nothing
throws the same error.