
How to close an open connection with sqlite?

gbrault opened this issue · 1 comments

(please see #170)

Hello, I can't figure out how to close a database connection with sqlite...

for example for an "in-memory" connection 'sqlite://', I try

%sql -x sqlite://

And I get

_close() missing 1 required positional argument: 'descriptor'

Thanks for your help!

PS: the connection is existing

%sql -l


{'mysql+mysqldb://jupyter:***@mariadb/jupyter': <sql.connection.Connection at 0x7fb334a276d0>, 'sqlite://': <sql.connection.Connection at 0x7fb32a14f850>}

I beleive this is a 'bug' at least I changed the code to have it work on my side, so, I close this request