TimeTuner: Diagnosing Time Representations for Time-Series Forecasting with Counterfactual Explanations

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TimeTuner is a general visual analytics framework. which is designed to help analysts understand how model behaviors are associated with localized correlations, stationarity, and granularity of time-series representations. In our work, we instantiate TimeTuner with two transformation methods of smoothing and sampling, and demonstrate its applicability on real-world time-series forecasting of univariate sunspots and multivariate air pollutants.

Built With

  • Front-end
    • Vue.js
    • Element Plus
  • Backend
    • Flask
    • Python

Getting Started


  • Frontend:
    • Vue.js 3
    • npm
  • Backend:
    • Python: version 3.8 or higher
    • SHAP: version 0.41.0
    • pandas: version 1.5.3
    • tensorflow: version 2.10.0
    • keras: version 2.10.0
    • scikit-learn: version 1.2.2
    • numpy: version 1.24.3
    • Flask: version 2.2.0



  1. Enter the folder
    cd <your-project-path>/TimeTunerSystem/Frontend
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Run the Frontend
    npm run dev


  1. Enter the folder
    cd <your-project-path>/TimeTunerSystem/Backend
  2. Run the Backend
    set FLASK_APP=app.py
    flask run 
    // or
    python app.py


  title={TimeTuner: Diagnosing Time Representations for Time-Series Forecasting with Counterfactual Explanations},
  author={Hao, Jianing and Shi, Qing and Ye, Yilin and Zeng, Wei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.09916},