- Description
- Live Link
- User Story
- Installation Requirement
- Technology Used
- Reference
- Licence
- Authors Info
This is a Python Flask App where a users can post a blogs as well as read random quotes. The user can comment and also delete blogs and comments.
- As a user, I would like to view the blog posts on the site
- As a user, I would like to comment on blog posts
- As a user, I would like to view the most recent posts
- As a user, I would like to an email alert when a new post is made by joining a subscription.
- As a user, I would like to see random quotes on the site
- As a writer, I would like to sign in to the blog.
- As a writer, I would also like to create a blog from the application.
- As a writer, I would like to delete comments that I find insulting or degrading.
- As a writer, I would like to update or delete blogs I have created.
Behaviour | Input | Output |
Load the page | On page load | Get all posts, Select between signup and login on the right side |
Select SignUp | Email,Username,Password | Redirect to login |
Select Login | Username and password | Redirect to page with app Blog-Web based on categories and commenting section |
Select comment button | Comment | Form that you input your comment |
Click on submit | Redirect to all comments tamplate with your comment and other comments |
Either a computer,phone,tablet or an Ipad
An access to the Internet
HTML - which was used to build the structure of the pages.
CSS - which was used to style the pages incuding the left aside navigation bar
- Materialize CSS
MIT License
Copyright (c) [2022] MIT License
Linked - Catherine Kimani