
How to get hs_ed25519_public_key and hs_ed25519_secret_key files if I run mkp224o -y?

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I run mkp224o with -y parameter, which shows hostname and keys in terminal and do not create files in folder.

To use my vanity onion I need those files in my tor hidden service folder.

I look in default hs_ed25519_public_key and hs_ed25519_secret_key files and there are some strange characters, not like in terminal output with mkp224o.

I tried to paste there public and private key from terminal, but it do not work.

How do I convert terminal output of keys to create fiels?

Thank you!

In simple terms, can I convert terminal output like this:

hostname: btq3....vbad.onion
hs_ed25519_public_key: PT0g...tDcQA==
hs_ed25519_secret_key: PT0gZ...zIjkxIxE
time: 2023-10-24 08:09:29 Z

to files:

If anybody interested, you just need to decode your public and private keys to files, rename them accordingly (hs_ed25519_public_key, hs_ed25519_secret_key) and also create hostname file with onion address in it.

I decoded here:

They are base64 encoded as you figured out. However you should not use online services such as that because in doing so you will be sharing your private keys with whoever runs the website.

The -Y flag of mkp224o exists for this purpose. To use it, save one section of the output (everything between the ---s) from the output of running mkp224o with -y to a file on your system. It should be named with a .yaml extension. Then run ./mkp224o -Y myfile.yaml. This will create a <hostname>.onion folder in your current directory with all the same files that mkp224o would have generated without the -y.

there's also

mkp224o -Y file.yaml hostnameldkfjalgbnghweognvksjdbweoiugbewoiewglkeniwehiok.onion

(syntax found from mkp224o --help)