
Decoder to correct both erasure and error

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I found a new paper about this FFT based Reed-Solomon Codes. They present erasure-and-error decoding of an (n, k) RS code. The decoding complexity is with only O(n log n + (n − k) log2 (n − k)). As reference, complexity of current erasure decoding is O(n log n).

"On fast Fourier transform-based decoding of Reed-Solomon codes"
by Yunghsiang S. Han, Chao Chen, Sian-Jheng Lin, Baoming Bai

I post the link here as a notice. If you know it already, just ignore this issue. I cannot understand the theory in the paper. If you implement the error correction also in your leopard-RS library, it may be useful rarely. While erasure correction is enough mostly, possibility of error correction is welcome.

catid commented

This is a fantastic new result. Thank you for sharing.