
Add "Catppuccin" prefix to the color scheme names?

gwerbin opened this issue · 5 comments

Currently the theme files are named "Mocha", "Frappe", etc. with "Catppuccin" as their name attribute, which appears as a subtitle in the UI selection menu. But it might appear nicer in menus if they appeared with "Catppuccin" in the primary entry as well, so that searching will return all Catppuccin theme results, e.g. "Catppuccin-Mocha" or similar.

I believe this change is as simple as renaming the files from e.g. Mocha.sublime-color-scheme to Catppuccin-Mocha.sublime-color-scheme.

stfnx commented

I agree that this would definitely be a good improvement.

Fixed with 5542bf6

detly commented

This doesn't seem to be present in the version downloaded via Package Control
Screenshot from 2023-05-10 07-46-48