
TPM installation not working / installation causes conflicts in plugins directory (Consider renaming repository?)

fazlearefin opened this issue ยท 4 comments

When using this plugin, it creates a dir in the tmux plugs dir named tmux. This can potentially cause issues with other plugins named tmux in the same folder in the future

$ ls -ld ~/.tmux/plugins

Other themes are named with a more unique name:

  • tmux-peacock
  • tmux-dark-notify
  • tmux-colours-superhero

I recommend naming this git repo something like tmux-catppuccin instead of tmux so that is it more unique and does not cause any naming clashes in the future.

Hi, I'm one of the core maintainers of Catppuccin ๐Ÿ‘‹

From an organisation perspective, I'd like to avoid renaming this repository as it goes against our naming convention for applications that we support. We ran into a similar situation with our catppuccin/nvim repository, but the plugin managers for that ecosystem allowed plugins to be downloaded under a different name.

In the other issues that have been raised, I can see that tpm itself has an issue and a PR that aims to "fix" this:

While waiting for tpm to (hopefully) allow overrides to plugin names, I can think of 2 immediate "workarounds":

  1. We can put a notice in the README that users should check if they have a tmux directory already in their plugins directory, and if they do, they should delete it. (My question now is, can you rename plugins downloaded via TPM without things breaking? If so, we should tell users to rename the plugin locally once its downloaded and it should be fine?)
  2. We could explicitly encourage users to fork the GitHub repository under their own name (e.g. tmux-catppuccin) to their own account, and then to run set -g @plugin '<username>/tmux-catppuccin'. I don't actually mind this too much since this is such a dotfiles centric repository and its already forked quite a bit because users (somewhat obviously) enjoy tweaking the configuration from the base provided here.

Curious what others think!