
Tmux window indicator rendering issue with FiraCode Nerd font in Windows Terminal

TheNemoNemesis opened this issue · 5 comments

Issue: Tmux window indicator rendering issue with FiraCode Nerd font in Windows Terminal


I've been using the catppuccin theme for tmux in combination with the FiraCode Nerd font on Windows Terminal within WSL. However, recently I encountered a rendering issue with the tmux window indicator. Specifically, there seems to be a disconnect between the separator and the window number, resulting in a column of pixels between them.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set up Windows Terminal with WSL.
  2. Use the catppuccin theme for tmux.
  3. Set the font to "FiraCode Nerd".
  4. Open multiple tmux windows.

Expected Behavior:

The tmux window indicator should render correctly with no visual artifacts, and there should be no disconnect between the separator and the window number.

Actual Behavior:

There is a noticeable disconnect between the separator and the window number, resulting in a visual artifact.

Additional Information:

  • This issue appeared suddenly without any changes to my configuration.
  • I've tried troubleshooting by adjusting font sizes, checking for updates, and reviewing configuration settings, but the issue persists.
  • Changing fonts did not resolve the issue, indicating it may not be specific to the FiraCode Nerd font.
  • Screenshots of the issue are attached for reference.


  • Operating System: Windows with WSL
  • Terminal Emulator: Windows Terminal
  • tmux Version: Tmux 3.4
  • catppuccin Version: Updated to the last available using tpm
  • Font: FiraCode Nerd


Screenshot 2024-02-25 213547
Screenshot 2024-02-29 233143
Screenshot 2024-02-29 233143arrow

Any assistance or guidance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

have the same problem in alacritty( terminal emulator ) on endeavour os( linux ) with the mononoki nerd font

here is a better pictures:


This is a common issue with the way some terminals render fonts.
A detailed explanation can be found here:

What you could try:

  • try a different terminal emulator
  • try a different font
  • increase or decrease the font size

Other than that there is nothing inside of tmux that can be done to address this issue.

or disable sub-pixel anti aliasing fontconfig on linux also fixes the issue if you are fine with that