
Missing argument checks in native code

fab1ano opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug Reporting


I found that the implementations of YUVtoRBGA and YUVtoARBG in native code do not check the sizes of the input and output arrays. See here:

When a user provides incorrect width or height arguments, this can lead to an OOB array access, which may terminate the app with a SIGSEGV.

I'm working on a fix and will open a pull request once finished.

Steps to Reproduce

Call GPUImageNativeLibrary.YUVtoARBG(yuv, width, height, output) with buffers that are smaller than width*height.

Actual Results

The app crashes with SIGSEGV

Expected Results

No crash

OS details

  • Device: Redroid on Arm64
  • OS: Android 11