
My dotfiles whre I keep the config for my most used apps

Primary LanguageShell

This my newest backup guide

To when I f*ck something up.


We keeping it simple, archinstall will do just fine. Since I'm currently following typecraft's series on linux, I will simply just do as he do, with my own things added on top, so Go watch it if you want.

Arch setup

Connect to the internet

[]device list # If device is off: device $DEVICE set propetry Powered on
station $ADAPTER get-networks
station $ADAPTER connect $WIFI
# It will asks you for the password next
# C^d to exit

To check if you're connected, run the following command:

ping archlinux.org

If you're getting some repetitive output with 64s, you're good to go.

# C^c to stop running the command

And now, we do the fun stuff:

pacman -Syy # to update just in case
pacman -S archlinux-keyring
pacman -Sy archinstall
archinstall # simply do what you think is good for you, for me I'll pick gnome for the de

Now, we would have a running Arch linux with gnome desktop, what's left is just my personal customization.

note: in case you want to run a custom script for something like Hyprland, you might not want to choose a de (desktop environment), so you might get stuck connecting to the internet, for that follow the next steps:

nmcli d
nmcli r wifi on
nmcli d wifi list
nmcli d wifi connect $SSID password $PASSWORD
# if you don't have git don't forget to get that as well

note: In case some basic folder are missing (such as Desktop, Documents, ...) do the following:

sudo pacman -S xdg-user-dirs

Customizing pacman

If you want to allow multiple packages to be downloaded at the same time and some other cool stuff, just edit the following file to your liking:

sudo vi /etc/pacman.conf # If it seems confusing, read the docs

Installing yay

To install yay:

# in you're home dir
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
cd yay
makepkg -si

My stuff

So, now we have a running Arch linux, with either Gnome, or your sexy riced environment, All that left is my apps and config files.

First, I need git to clone my dotfiles:

sudo pacman -S git
git clone https://github.com/catsucci/.dotfiles.git
cd .dotfiles # don't dorget the . before the dir name

Here you can find some of my configs that simplify doing some things.

So, let me start doing my stuff:

# Supposing we are in the .dotfiles
cp .gitconfig ~/

note: Most of my stuff don't get copied out of the bat, since most of them have some packages as dependencies, so I just read docs or debug issues.

Some useful apps & tools

sudo pacman -S blueman zsh tree-sitter-cli xclip firefox p7zip zip unzip unrar htop wget locate fzf man-db ripgrep tmux neovim zoxide ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd jdk-openjdk libreoffice-fresh vlc gimp inkscape obs-studio zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf flatpak github-cli lazygit python-pip spotify-launcher sqlite-doc sqlitebrowser alacritty bat bluez-utils cloc curl eza fd htop kdenlive noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji steam texlive thefuck tldr wine
yay -S litecli vesktop-bin visual-studio-code-bin

Some other apps: postman, sublime merge, audacity, ...


GIT & Github

Configure git using this course, GitHub cli using gh auth login,


Install node using This one and yran using npm install --global yarn.


After installing neovim, clone my nvim config into ~/.config

cd ~/.config
git clone git@github.com:catsucci/nvim.git

run checkhealth inside nvim and install any missing dependency and do your debugs.


To use my config:

cp -r ~/PATH/TO/MYDOTFILES/alacritty ~/.config


For Tmux, you'll need to install the Tmux Plugin Manager using

git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

Then copy my config files

cp -r ~/PATH/TO/MYDOTFILES/tmux ~/.config

Open tmux and do C-space + I to install the plugins.


Set zsh to be your default shell:

# make you sure you know where is your zsh path is

Copy my .zshrc into your home dir:

cp ~/PATH/TO/MYDOTFILES/zsh/.zshrc ~/

If there is any issues just watch This Dreams of Autonomy vid.


If There is any issues just watch This Dreams of Autonomy vid.


Copy my .scripts dit into your home:

cp -r ~/PATH/TO/MYDOTFILES/.scripts ~/


Copy my Zathura config dir intoi ~/.config:

cp -r ~/PATH/TO/MYDOTFILES/zathura ~/.config


Some of the popular fonts:

sudo pacman -S ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation noto-fonts

Japanese fonts:

sudo pacman -S noto-fonts-cjk adobe-source-code-pro-fonts adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-jp-fonts 


In case of firefox having a bad experience with arabic fonts:

sudo pacman -S firefox-i18n-ar