Unfetter Discover web application and container resources. Visit unfetter.io for more information about Unfetter projects.
The entire application, Unfetter Discover, is made up of multiple of docker containers. Each builds upon the other. We use Docker Compose to manage the startup and shutdown of all those Docker containers.
The GitHub organization unfetter-discover houses a GitHub project for every container. There are two ways to run Unfetter Discover:
You can run all the containers from Docker Hub, without recompiling. This is recommended for most cases.
If you are a developer and would like to build the Unfetter-Discover project from source, then you will need to clone all the repos in unfetter-discover and use the
config file.
You will only need to clone the unfetter project. Then, run docker-compose with default arguments. First, go into your working directory that you want to clone the main project.
git clone https://github.com/unfetter-discover/unfetter.git
cd unfetter
docker-compose up
Create a directory to hold all the projects,
mkdir unfetter-discover
cd unfetter-discover
Next, you will need to clone all the projects in unfetter-discover.
curl -s https://api.github.com/orgs/unfetter-discover/repos\?per_page\=200 | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if (/"clone_url": "([^"]+)/)' | xargs -n 1 git clone
Next, change directories into the unfetter directory, which houses the docker-compose.yml files, and run docker-compose
cd unfetter
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.development.yml up
After running the docker-compose
command you can view the application at:
Note: If you receive a 404 error from nginx, ensure you include the trailing slash on the URL
Unfetter-Discover will create certs and store them locally. You will need to accept the certificates to move forward.