steak-1 with rails 2.3.2
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I'm having some troubles with installing gems for my rails 2.3.2. Would you mind send me out the versions that are compatible with each other. I found some git repositories for rails 2.3, but when I installed them, it installed the latest gems.
I would like to work with rspec rspec-rails steak capybara database_cleaner launchy.
On my first setup with steak-1, rspec 1.3.2 and rspec-rails 1.3.2, capybara 1.0.0, it seems ok with 2 problems:
- deprecated config.include Capybara, so I changed to Capybara::DSL
Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
config.include Capybara::DSL
- I can't use rspec matchers, so i do this based on some resources i found:
class Spec::Rails::Example::AcceptanceExampleGroup
raise "Please, try to remove this. In this version of Rails it might be not necessary" unless Rails.version == "2.3.2"
def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
return, *args) if sym.to_s =~ /^be_/
return, *args) if sym.to_s =~ /^have_/
But then, I can't use the click_link, it said "undefined method `path' for #Rack::Request:0xb7252ae4"