
Non-standard Config

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Strippy's config needs better readability and less forced structure, so I'd like to eventually move it to a custom parsed format similar to ini.

This will removed the reliance on json or any other (comparatively) bloated data format while hopefully making it less scary for people to edit.

thinking it'll look like this:

; Strippy Config file

[ Config ]
IgnoredStrings="/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0", "", "", "name", "applications"

; When started with 'eval:' these Settings are evaluated as powershell expressions
SanitisedFileFirstLine="eval:This file was Sanitised at `$( `$(Get-Date).toString() ).`n==`n`n"
KeyListFirstLine= "eval:This keylist was created at `$( `$(Get-Date).toString() ).`n"
;KeyFileName="Keylist.txt" This can also be eval'd

[ Rules ]
== ; Don't remove this, it's the line underwhich everything is an regex rule and name
;"Some Regex String here"="Replacement here"
"\d\sUser (\w+?) "="Username"
"Machine : (.*?); "="Hostname"
"Key User Report : section (.*?) - "="Username"
"Key User Report : section .*? - (.*?) - IP: "="Hostname"
"Key User Report : section .*? - .*? - IP: (.*?)"="Address"