
Support a mode for Slick's DBIO

jcazevedo opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm currently using ScalaCache over Slick's DBIO using kubukoz/slick-effect with scalacache-cats-effect, whose mode provides an implicit conversion of Cats' Async instances to ScalaCache's Async. This works, but adds a possibly unnecessary dependency on typelevel/cats-effect. Is having a mode for Slick's DBIO something suitable for a ScalaCache module? I can work on a pull request providing it if it's something suitable for the library.

cb372 commented

Hi! This does sound useful, but recently I've been trying to reduce the number of dependencies on other Scala libraries, as every dependency increases maintenance overhead, especially when new versions of Scala come along.

If you'd like to release this as a separate library I'd happily link to it from the ScalaCache documentation.

Maybe the time has come to move ScalaCache to its own organisation, where things like scalacache-slick could also live.

Modes are now gone from main, you can use DBIO with slick-effect on the caches that require up to Sync (e.g. Memcached won't work as it requires Async).