
Decide what to do about Scala.js support

cb372 opened this issue · 3 comments

cb372 commented

Currently scalacache has pretty half-hearted support for Scala.js. Only the core module is cross-built; we don't provide any integrations for caches that work with Scala.js.

I think the options are:

  1. Remove Scala.js support, as it's not providing any value and it increases maintenance overhead
  2. Add a cats-effect Ref-based cache implementation that we can cross build for Scala.js. We could also cross-build more modules, e.g. the Circe integration.
  3. Remove Scala.js for now, then add it back later if/when we have a cache implementation

I think the safest option to take here is number 3. We could make a cache implementation for Scala.js up front, but it may make more sense to wait for there to be more demand for such a thing. I’d hate to take on the extra maintenance burden if it ended up being something that people didn’t actually use.

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cb372 commented


JS has been dropped from main a while ago. Closing.