
scalacache: Create multiple cache regions

nikoplusx opened this issue · 0 comments

I have a repository class and I want to create 2 different cache regions for 2 different types of queries. Let's say that we have typea andtypeab. I am using scalacache with caffeine as the underlying implementation. Based on the docs, one has to configure it like so:

lazy val underlyingTypeACaffeineCache = Caffeine
    .build[String, Entry[List[Event]]]
  implicit lazy val customisedTypeACaffeineCache: CaffeineCache[List[Event]] =

and you should call it like


This sync interface picks up the implicit and caches the values appropriately. What happens when you want to have different regions though under the same roof/class. For example

lazy val underlyingTypeACaffeineCache = Caffeine
    .build[String, Entry[List[Event]]]
  implicit lazy val customisedTypeACaffeineCache: CaffeineCache[List[Event]] =

lazy val underlyingTypeBCaffeineCache = Caffeine
    .build[String, Entry[List[Event]]]
  implicit lazy val customisedTypeBCaffeineCache: CaffeineCache[List[String]] =

then the sync interface does not work since it gets confused as to which implicit to use. How do you overcome this?