
Unable to scrape

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I am having issues scraping comicvine. I am new to all this so i dont know if it is on my end or comicvines. Any help would be great thank you!


Looks like you are not using the latest version of the Comic Vine Scraper. Update to the latest version (be warned sometimes ComicRack will make you do the update twice) and things should work much better.

Yes, as of this moment.

I try to put out a new version if something breaks, so if you find that the scraper is not working, the first thing you should do is check for a newer version.

Ok I am still having the same issue

Hmmm the log file doesn't really show much other information, unfortunately. Which is weird, the logging is usually very good and I'm surprised that the error is something so generic ("Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" doesn't mean much.)

I assume you didn't trim anything out of the log...does the scraper also fail when you try to scrape some other comic books? If it's a specific book that causes the problem, I can try to duplicate the error myself.

Maybe you have an old version of Microsoft .NET installed on you computer? Installing the latest version of that could help.

Maybe your computer's firewall (or network firewall) is blocking the outgoing connection to Comic Vine. You can check that by making sure you can get to this page:

What about if you fully restart ComicRack? Or better yet, your whole computer. Sometimes that helps.

Otherwise, try to think about what might be different or unusual about your computer's hardware, software, ComicRack configuration, etc. The scraper itself, and the ComicVine service, are not currently broken -- I would be getting many bug reports by now if it was.

I tried restarting, I can get to the API site, I check my firewall settings and I am on Microsoft .NET 4.7 or such. The only thing i can think of is that i have comicrack installed on external media so I am going to attempt to reinstall and reload my database and everything through the main hard drive.