
error retrieving resource lock fip-controller/fip: Get dial tcp i/o timeout

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Hi! I just installed this following the tutorial published on the Hetzner Community, but I see this error in the logs and the IP isn't being assigned to a host. What could it be? Thanks!

After a little while I see this now:

2019/10/02 13:46:23 Became Leader
2019/10/02 13:46:53 fip-controller-c7d66f4f7-ptdj7: could not run controller: could not get configured server: could not fetch servers: Get https://api.hetzner.cloud/v1/servers?page=1&per_page=50: dial tcp: i/o timeout

It seems it cannot connect to the API or something?

I CURL'ed that address with my token and it works. So it seems like DNS resolution is failing or something like that

It was a problem with CoreDNS. Fixed and got the floating IP auto assigned, yay! Thanks a lot, very useful :)