
Text vanishes on iOS 8, followed by appearing to scroll, then vanishes again.

viewDidAppear opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey all,

Just noticed that when the text view appears on iOS 8 that it will vanish right away, followed by a scroll after a delay. When the animation is due to slow down and stop (*or just stop depending on your UIViewAnimationCurve setting) it disappears again.

I thought it was because of the deprecated NSString method we had to replace all the old stuff with, but alas no avail.

I do manually call [scrollLabelIfNeeded] when I return from the background on my app, is this causing the issue or is this just to do with outdated code and iOS 8's changes that Apple never publicise?


Manually calling scrollLabelIfNeeded on my Label instances was the cause of the vanishing issue.

Issue closed.