
Maven Central Updates

Opened this issue · 6 comments

mkarg commented

I would be happy if jCommander 1.80 could be pushed to Maven Central. :-)

mkarg commented

@cbeust Please consider this issue. Thanks. :-)

mkarg commented

@cbeust Could you please at least clearly point out that you never will do that, so everybody knows what's the official project policy? Otherwise, I hereby offer that I will frequently upload all new releases on Maven Central in the name of this project, if you agree that I claim your group ID at Sonatype.

mkarg commented

Meanwhile jCommander 1.81 is published on Maven Central. I wonder why not pushing 1.80?

1.83 is also missing from Maven Central.

Ah, thanks for the link. That gave me the solution.. I had this in my pom..

			<groupId>com.beust</groupId> <!-- WRONG -->

And I was able to pull 1.83 after I switched to this:

			<groupId>org.jcommander</groupId> <!-- Correct as of late 2023 -->

Thanks, cheers!