HTMLTab is a command-line utility to select a table within an HTML document and convert it to CSV. Here we can get the foreign-born population of Edinburgh from Wikipedia:
$ htmltab --select p+table.wikitable.plainrowheaders
Place of birth,Estimated resident population (2011)[117]
Mainland China [A],4188
United States,3700
South Africa,1800
Hong Kong,1600
- Repository:
- Issues:
HTMLTab is a Python package, and as such it needs Python 3 to be installed on your system. Once Python's available you can install HTMLTab using Pip (preferably into a virtual environment):
pip install -e git+
You can also install it system-wide using Pipx:
pipx install git+
When installation is complete, you'll have a new htmltab
command available in your favourite shell.
Usage: htmltab [OPTIONS] [HTML_FILE]
Select a table within an HTML document and convert it to CSV. By default
stdin will be used as input, but you can also pass a filename or a URL.
Unless otherwise specified, the first table element in the HTML document
is converted to CSV. To change that behaviour pass an alternative using
the '--select' option. The value may be an integer index, a CSS selector,
or an XPath expression.
To select the fourth table within the the file 'foo.html':
htmltab --select 4 foo.html
To select the table with the id 'data':
htmltab --select table#data foo.html
To select the rows within the second table inside the 'div' element with
id 'bar', while excluding the rows in the header and footer:
htmltab --select "(//div[@id='bar']//table)[2]/tbody/tr" foo.html
The CSV data will be output to stdout unless the '--output' option is
-s, --select TEXT Integer index, CSS selector, or XPath
expression that determines the table to
convert to CSV.
-n, --null-value TEXT Case-sensitive value to convert to an empty
cell in the CSV output. Use multiple times
if you have more than one null value.
[default: 'NA', 'N/A', '.', '-']
-c, --convert-numbers / -k, --keep-numbers
Convert number-like strings into numbers
(e.g. remove group symbols, percent signs)
or leave unchanged. [default: convert]
-g, --group-symbol TEXT Symbol used to group digits in numbers (e.g.
the ',' in '1,000.00'). [default: ,]
-d, --decimal-symbol TEXT Symbol used to separate integer from
fraction in numbers (e.g. the '.' in
'1,000.00'). [default: .]
-u, --currency-symbol TEXT Currency symbol to remove when converting
number-like strings. Use multiple times if
you have more than one currency symbol
[default: '$', '¥', '£', '€']
-o, --output FILENAME Write output to file instead of stdout
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.